Monday, August 1, 2016

A Bowl of Red Apples

Apples are my favorite fruit! I eat a lot of them. Every time I go to the grocery store to buy a bag of apples, the cashier asks me if I am going to make an apple pie. No, I say, I eat them just like that. Usually, after I say this, people in the line gasp... lol maybe because I buy a big bag of apples. Somehow I always try to squeeze a lot of apples into one bag.... :) And sometimes I buy two bags.... :) One time something funny happened. I just finished explaining that I eat them raw, when the lady in line behind me looked at me, and told her husband, "That's it! I am eating apples starting tomorrow!" :)
The painting is 9x12x0.5' on stretched canvas. Acrylic.
Available. $110. Please contact me if interested.

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